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Love in a Cold Climate – Get the Look

March 14, 2013

I recently finished reading this fabulous book, set in the 1930s, written by Nancy Mitford. The book tells the story of a group of aristocrats and is set over several years of their lives. I’d really recommend this classic book as its brilliant written and a great mixture of funny, sad and completely entertaining.

Having read the book I also watched the BBC adaptation from 2001. It’s a great watch and combines two of Mitford’s books; Love in a Cold Climate and The Pursuit of Love. It’s very close to the book and the costumes are amazing.

I love the pretty floral day dresses from the series.

So inspired by both the book and the TV series here’s some more fabulous 1930s fashion all from Etsy…

1. Cotton Day Dress £95 2. Maxi Dress £67 3. Daisy Rayon Dress £101 4.Rayon Dress £127 5. Cotton Voille Dress £136 6.DVD – Amazon £6.00

For loads more 1930s inspiration follow my 1930s Fashion Pinterest Board

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