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Making Monday #5

November 4, 2013

Every Monday i share the things I’ve made and sewn over the last week.

This week I was struck down with tonsillitis, and I felt so unwell I didn’t leave my bed for three days. The only good thing about resting all day was that I got a fair amount of sewing done. I mostly caught up with some Sew and Stitch projects.

Firstly I made these two dolls for Jessica, the first one ended up with a bit of an odd face as I used a slightly too thick pen to draw it on and her hair wasn’t quite right. My second attempt came out much better. Jessica loves them both though. I used a pattern from Sew and Stitch Magazine which was really easy. It was a great chance to practice my hand sewing as usually I do everything on my sewing machine.

The next thing I made was another up-cycles jar, which I made a pin cushion for the top of and I’m going to use it to store ribbons and other trimmings.

Another Sew and Stitch project was this little apple shaped pin cushion which I made using some of my vintage fabric scraps.

I wanted a little make-up bag, to keep in my handbag. I just wanted something small that I could keep lip stick and a mirror in, so I made this little bag with some left over fabric, it has a cotton lining. I will try and do a tutorial for this soon as it was really quick and easy.

Lastly I did a couple more squares for my Sew and Stitch quilt. I love the nautical theme and can’t wait to get more done this week.

Have you made anything nice this week?


  • Reply
    Frocks and Frivolities
    November 4, 2013 at 7:42 pm

    Wow, you were quite productive. I wish I had gotten that much done!!!

  • Reply
    Jessica Cangiano
    November 5, 2013 at 3:46 am

    Oh no, honey, you poor thing. Tonsillitis is extremely unpleasant. I’m really sorry that you’ve been battling it lately. It’s impressive that you were able to get in so much sewing while under the weather (I hope doing so didn’t tucker you our further). These projects are all really darling – especially the cute dolls. They just make you say “aww!” the moment you see them.

    Thinking of you and sending countless feel better hugs and wishes your way.

    ♥ Jessica

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