6 Fabulous Vintage Sewing Patterns • Vintage Frills
I absolutely love making my own vintage style dresses, the first place to start is with a good pattern. I’m always on the lookout for shops and websites where I can get unique and beautiful ones. I was recently contacted by Nick of Mela Mela Vintage, a vintage shop in Teddington about a guest post on some of the patterns stocked in the shop. I absolutely love all the patterns he chose, and was delighted to find a local vintage shop who not only sell amazing patterns but also some pretty amazing vintage dresses from the 1920s to 70s as well as some incredible vintage bags. If your looking for a new project or just something absolutely amazing to wear then their shop and website are ones not to be missed. 6 Fabulous Vintage Sewing Patterns If you want something done properly, then do it yourself! It’s the motto of the fiercely independent and perhaps overly stubborn, but sometimes there is some truth in that old adage. When it comes to clothing then the only way to get the absolute style you want and the ideal fit for your figure is to create your own clothes. Vintage patterns are fabulous […]