Happy New Year! • Vintage Frills
For many a new year is a fresh start and a new beginning. For others it is a time to start something new, get healthy or give something up. I feel grateful that coming into the new year there’s not much I want to change, but plenty I want to improve. I haven’t made any resolutions as such but I have a few good intentions and plans that I hope to bring into effect over the coming months. Firstly I want to spend even more quality time with my family. We’re pretty good for doing stuff together but I want to have some adventures this year and try some new things with the children, as well as see as many amazing places as possible with them. Secondly I want to have a bit of a downsize and own fewer things, starting with donating most of my books as well as some of my clothes and the kids old toys. I like the idea of a slightly simpler existence. Thirdly I want to pick up sewing again as I’ve not done any for ages. Lastly I’m going to work really hard to save enough money for a big family holiday this […]