Making Upcycled Christmas Gifts with Gumtree • Vintage Frills
I get to do some really great things through blogging and one of the most fun things I’ve done in a while was an up cycling workshop hosted by gumtree and Max McMurdo. You may have seen Max on programmes such as Kistie’s Fill Your Home for Free, which I loved. Christmas is a great time to think about up-cycling and repurposing. We are so bombarded with useless gifts and throw-away items at this time of year and our over-consumption is something we should all be thinking about. At the workshop we talked about making beautiful unique gifts that are both cheap and greener to make. Gumtree had noticed more and more people buying items through the site to customise and re-purpose. Inspired by this they have been encouraging people to use old materials to make new things. At the event we dismantled an old pine wardrobe which had been bought on the site for just £20. I was amazed how much good quality wood was on one piece of furniture, all of which could be used to make something new. I used a shelf from inside the wardrobe to make my project. Not all second hand furniture is created equal […]