Every Book I Read in 2015 • Vintage Frills
2015 was a pretty good year for me. My friends and family are all healthy and happy, I’ve made some amazing friends through my love of vintage and the blog has come a long way. I even won a blog award this year which was absolutely amazing. Big things aside I’ve had lots of small things which have made me happy this year and one of those things will always be settling down with a good book. Between reading from the page and listening to audio books while doing other things, I’ve got through a big stack of books this year and I thought I’d quickly share my list with you. Theres been a great mixture of chick-lit, vintage themed books and a few older classics. I’ve recently been re-reading the Harry Potter series, which will always be a favourite of mine. Here’s every book I’ve read in the last year… My most recent books include some Jenny Colgan and Lisa Jewell which I read absolutely years ago and have recently been re-reading them. I also got really into the Game Of Thrones books having watched all the series recently. I definitely broke up the heavy going GOT books with some […]