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Blogmas Day 18 – The Perfect Sunday

December 18, 2016

Things have been very very recently. It’s always like that at the time of year, wit h birthday, school commitments, the Kids Christmas shows and of course Christmas itself. As someone who longs for life simple pleasures it can all be a bit busy and hectic for me. If I could choose any way to spend a day, it would getting some fresh air and exercise with the girls. Nothing makes me happier than some pretty scenery and just enjoying being a mummy with nothing else getting in the way.

morden-hall-park-water-wheelI hadn’t had a chance for what felt like forever, to have a relaxed day out with the kids. Every single weekend has been really hectic and in the winter it’s already dark by the time we get home from school and all their numerous extra curricular activities (Jess seems to collect them!) I had planned to take them out all day on Saturday, but unfortunately Jess wasn’t feeling well. I spent the whole day cleaning in the hope that I would eradicate every germ from the house, so stayed in all day.

morden-hall-park-bridgeFinally today we had the most perfect day. We ate breakfast together, everyone got ready with no major disasters and before long we found ourselves in the park. We went to Morden Hall Park, which is a beautiful Nation Trust park and garden only 5 minutes drive from our house. The girls had a ride on their scooters, we played in the playground and got very muddy. It was lovely! I took a few pics on my phone, which I thought I would share with you, of the lovely park.


morden-hall-park-buildingsThe park also has a lovely second hand bookshop, filled with a really great mix of modern books as well as some really amazing older ones. We always find a few bargains in there. You can never have too many books after all. I spotted this one and I really wanted it just because I liked the cover. I didn’t get it this time, but I might have to pop back.

something-lightAfter that we popped to the shops to get the girls a Christmas jumper each, as they needed them for school. We got back and Rob cooked a delicious roast dinner. After that Rob and Lila watched a Harry Potter film and Lila and I did some Christmas drawings.

It was a simple day, but in our busy modern lives, it can be hard to make time and just enjoy the simple things. Perfect Sundays should be treasured and appreciated and I feel so happy and refreshed by mine.

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  • Reply
    December 20, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    What a beautiful place. I LOVE the book. I wouldn’t have been able to pass it up. The artwork is so cool and I have a scottie dog and think that cover looks just like one!

    Thanks for sharing.

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