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A little introduction

March 7, 2012

Welcome to my blog! A little introdcution never goes amiss! I’m Catherine, I’m a 26 year old happily married mother of two.
I love the past, anything from the past really, be it books, clothes, buildings, it all facinates me!
I’d like to write a blog to share some of the things I like most in life. Be it little vintage treasures that I’ve picked up, interesting and unusual days out, books I’ve enjoyed, as well as my vintage style tips and outfit posts.
If no one else wants to read it, at least I can look back on it as a diary of all the fun things I’ve found and done!
I would absolutely love to review anything vintage related, be it shops, fairs, books etc so please get in touch and I’ll try to write as many reviews as I can!

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