Recently I’ve combined my love of vintage with my love of books. So many great books have been recommended to me which have vintage themes and I keep discovering more. Me and Fay from the wonderful book blog Blog a Book Etc have decided to join forces to form The Vintage Book Group. The group is based on Goodreads so you don’t need to be a blogger to take part.
How it works…
Every two weeks Fay and I will recommend a vintage themed book for the group to read. We are allowing two weeks to get the book read and then we will share our thoughts on the books on the discussions on the Goodreads page.
The group is just for fun and members don’t have to read every book on the list, although they are all fabulous!
Anyone can join! It’s not just for bloggy people all you have to do is sign up to Goodreads and join the group. The books are all readily available in paper form, kindle, and some on audio.
The books aren’t just for vintage girls! We have chosen books that appeal to a wide female audience but just happen to include some lovely vintage fashion 🙂
We love recommendations so please let us know if there’s something you’d like the group to read.
How to join…
You can join here. If you already have Goodreads joining is simple, if not you can sign up for Goodreads before joining.
If you are a blogger is would be much appreciated if you could spread the world by doing a little post on your blog to announce the book group and link up in the comments below and on Fay’s blog. Please feel free to copy the logo at the top of the page.
The first few books on the list are…
Miracle on Regent Street by Ali Harris (reading from Jan 20th – 2nd Feb)
The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean (reading from 3rd feb – 16th Feb)
The Vintage Teacup Club by Vanessa Greene (reading from 17th Feb – 2nd march)
If you use Twitter remember to use #vintagebookgroup
January 16, 2013 at 2:15 amI love vintage stuff, but I think I read less vintage books (shame on me).
It’s gonna be fun. I’ll join the next batch. Count me in. Thanks for hosting this great group read.
January 17, 2013 at 12:06 pmThanks for commenting.Feel free to recommend any books you’d like to read with the group. 🙂
Esme (@cococroissants)
January 16, 2013 at 4:02 pmAll these books have great covers.
January 17, 2013 at 12:07 pmI know! So pretty 🙂
The Vintage Teacup Club by Vanessa Greene | Blog A Book Etc . . .
January 17, 2013 at 9:32 am[…] Introducing The Vintage Book Group ( […]
January 17, 2013 at 11:31 amWhat a grande idea – totally joining and can’t wait to start reading the first book. I needed a way to start reading again and this is perfect! Thanks!
January 17, 2013 at 11:36 amLovely! Thanks for commenting 🙂 the first book is really nice and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts. X
January 17, 2013 at 11:51 amThis is so exciting and the first few books are truly amazing 😀
January 17, 2013 at 12:07 pmReally looking forward to getting started and hearing everyones thoughts. xxx
Planning my Trip to Bath « vintagefrills
January 18, 2013 at 10:05 am[…] ← Introducing The Vintage Book Group […]
Wednesday’s Fiction – Week Two – Mister Pip – Lloyd Jones | Ideas and Inspirations
January 18, 2013 at 8:38 pm[…] week I joined The Vintage Book Group which is run by Catherine at Vintage Frills and Fay at Blog a Book etc. Anyone can join and please do! All you have to do is join the Goodreads […]
It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? « vintagefrills
January 21, 2013 at 6:26 am[…] new Downton Abbey obsession which has taken most of my reading time! I’ve also been planning The Vintage Book Group with Fay from Blog a Book etc. The group is open to anyone and centres around any kind of fiction […]
It’s Monday What Are You Reading? | Blog A Book Etc . . .
January 21, 2013 at 9:34 am[…] Introducing The Vintage Book Group ( […]
Jessica Eissfeldt
February 19, 2014 at 5:55 pmI love this! I read The Secret Lives of Dresses last year and really enjoyed it! Did you know she has a Dress A Day blog that inspired her to write the story? I love the idea of how dresses have unique ‘historys.’