As my blog approaches it’s fourth birthday next month, I’ve been thinking about how far I’ve come with it. I’ve managed a total of 725 blog posts! That seams like so many and I’m really proud of the time and dedication I’ve put in so far. Yesterday I looked back at my first post which was just a quick one…
I feel like I’ve mostly stuck to my original aim, which was to create a happy place to share the things I love and make memories. I’m really happy with the path the blog has taken me on and all the opportunities I’ve had through writing it.
Recently though I’ve felt a bit like I need to take a step back from blogging, I’ve not felt so inspired and I’ve cut back from 5 posts a week to just 1. After managing 725 posts I’m not surprised that I’ve run out ideas a bit and haven’t known where I’m going with it. I’ve also cut back on going to blog events and accepting products to review as it had stopped being enjoyable and I was feeling under pressure to write when I didn’t always feel like it.
Looking back on some of my older posts inspired me to revisit old ideas and go back to basics a little bit. I’d love to start doing craft projects again as well as book reviews and history posts, and of course more baking, beauty and outfits posts, as I love writing those.
I’d love to hear what my readers favourite type of posts are, have you been with me since the early days? What type of posts do you enjoy most? Would you like to see a return to sewing and craft posts, more book reviews? Let me know.
In the meantime I’m going to be busy brainstorming ideas, making plans and making some time for all the things I love.
(P.S I wish I was still 26!)
February 22, 2016 at 8:38 pmI have been reading your posts for a couple of years and enjoy them. I like the book review, baking, outfits, crafts and the posts about your family and the different places you take your children. Keep up the good work!
February 22, 2016 at 8:39 pmThank you! Xxx
Lubna M Umar
February 22, 2016 at 10:50 pmI have been following your blog for quite a while now ! Great job x
Mim McDonald (@crinolinerobot)
February 23, 2016 at 9:06 amI don’t know about a favourite subject, but I do love seeing the things you do because you enjoy them – they always come acress as really warm and fun.
February 23, 2016 at 10:27 ami love your blogs. I’ve been reading them for about 3yrs now. I started reading quite a few, all about the same time, but yours is the only one I religiously read. You have a nice mix of retro and modern, blog about doable and wearable fashion and just make me smile whenever I read you. Keep it up.
Miss Fairchild
February 23, 2016 at 12:26 pmI love everything you write. I always think you should write about what your passionate about. What makes you happy. And that changes with time. I will always be reading. ((((hugs))))
February 23, 2016 at 5:31 pmThank you lovely. You’re totally right about writing what you’re passionate about. Xxx
February 23, 2016 at 12:33 pmI have been reading your posts for one year aprox and I love them. I’m Spanish and your post are very useful for practice my English. Thanks! 😛
February 23, 2016 at 2:17 pmLove your blog Catherine – I too like the mixture of all things and ideas vintage (and modern takes on this theme) and also the realistic, do-able, affordable and wearable things. It always looks so pretty, stylish and inspirational. Absolutely keep doing what you love – the passion, the fun and the ‘family’ element shows through – and once a week is admirable. I almost wrote that I too wish I was still 26 … but, do you know what? Am happy in my 40’s! Wheee! x
February 23, 2016 at 5:31 pmThank you so much for your lovely comment! 🙂 xxx
March 17, 2016 at 8:50 pmI’ve been reading for a year or so! I like the baking and fashion posts – you seem most passionate about those! Polly x