I love experimenting with different types of muffin and this is one of my favourite creations. The recipe has minimal butter and sugar so as sweet treats go, this is a little more saintly than most. This is a great one for kids too as it contains plenty of fruit and it’s made with wholemeal flour too!
200ml milk
80g porridge oats
1 egg
75g butter
4 tablespoons brown sugar
125g wholemeal flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
pinch of salt
frozen berries
1) Pre heat oven to 220 c / gas mark 7
2) Line a muffin tin with 12 cases.
3) Leave milk and oats to soak for 15 minutes.
4) In a separate bowl mix egg, butter and sugar. Stir in the oats and milk.
4) In another bowl mix the flour, salt and baking powder.
5) Gentle fold the wet ingredients into the flour mix.
6) Gently add the mixed berries to the mix.
7) Spoon evening into muffin cases.
8) Bake for 20-25 mins.
9) Allow to cool before boiling the kettle and putting your feet up with a muffin and a cuppa.
Why not try adding a little cocoa powder and chocolate chips instead of the berries for an extra special oaty treat.
1 Comment
June 28, 2013 at 1:32 pmMm! Thanks for posting this will give it a go 🙂