2015 was a pretty good year for me. My friends and family are all healthy and happy, I’ve made some amazing friends through my love of vintage and the blog has come a long way. I even won a blog award this year which was absolutely amazing. Big things aside I’ve had lots of small things which have made me happy this year and one of those things will always be settling down with a good book.
Between reading from the page and listening to audio books while doing other things, I’ve got through a big stack of books this year and I thought I’d quickly share my list with you. Theres been a great mixture of chick-lit, vintage themed books and a few older classics. I’ve recently been re-reading the Harry Potter series, which will always be a favourite of mine.
Here’s every book I’ve read in the last year…
My most recent books include some Jenny Colgan and Lisa Jewell which I read absolutely years ago and have recently been re-reading them. I also got really into the Game Of Thrones books having watched all the series recently. I definitely broke up the heavy going GOT books with some lighter reads in between.
This year I also read a few of the new additions to the Style Me Vintage series, I especially liked the book on accessories, which gave me loads of shopping inspiration!I also discovered the Lucia series which are absolutely hilarious and made me consider restarting the vintage book group at some point.
I read absolutely loads of the Daisy Dalrymple mysteries this year too. If you’re a fan of Agatha Christie you’ll love these. Another of my favourite books of the year was the Fashion on The Ration book which accompanied the exhibition at The Imperial War Museum. The book offered so much insight into clothing during the 1940s. You can see my review here.
I’m definitely considering starting a vintage themed book club up again this year. Would anyone be interested?
I’ve had so much fun reading last year and I can’t wait to read more amazing books this year, do you have any recommendations?
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January 3, 2016 at 8:43 pmI’d love to peruse your list, but the pictures are too small. Do you have a link to a goodreads list or anything? On my site, I review and read “vitnage” novels 20s-50s and look for books that encompass vintage fashion, music and, dance. Any on that list you can recommend? I’d be interested in a “vintage book club.” I already belong to a book club Sassy Ladies Book Club to be exact where we meet once a month over cocktails and gourmet food and discuss the book, but we have such a wide variety, we rarely read what I consider “vintage genre.”
~ Tam Francis ~
January 3, 2016 at 10:35 pmOh yes I would be interested in a bookclub. 🙂
January 4, 2016 at 5:41 amI have read many of your suggestions in the vintage book club and really enjoyed them. It would be wonderful if you added to your list. One book that has a English, 1900s theme is The Dead Duke, His Secret Wife, and the Missing Corpse, which I’m reading now.
Jessica Cangiano
January 5, 2016 at 12:24 amWay to go on lapping up a bevy of books in 2015, dear gal. In this internet fueled day and age, reading that many titles in one year is all the more impressive.
Happy page turning in 2016!
♥ Jessica
January 9, 2016 at 9:20 pmThe Phyrne Fisher mysteries by Kerry Greenwood are an excellent read. They are set in 1920s Melbourne and every one I have read has been great. Happy reading!
Miss Betty Doll
January 25, 2016 at 4:28 amYour taste in books is so similarto what I like! Fantasy novels and chick lits <3 I'm reading the entire Fire and Ice series right now and love it.