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Fashion Shopping Vintage

Introducing Atypical Girl

October 17, 2014

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I absolutely love reproduction vintage clothing, all the benefits of beautiful classic clothes with none of the sizing and washing hassles. So I’m always excited to hear about the launch of new stockists of elegant ladylike attire.

The latest addition is Atypical Girl, and I have to say I’m a big fan already. The new website launched by vintage stylist Simone Hadfield stocks some of the finest independent reproduction brands as well as Atypical Girls own exclusive collection. The website will also soon be stocking a range of original vintage items handpicked by Simone from her travels around the world. The eclectic range brings together the best of style from the past with a very modern feel.

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What makes Atypical Girl stand out from the crowd is the fashion led approach to the brand. The clothing may pay homage to the past, but it is also extremely current and fashion forward. For someone like me who absolutely loves vintage clothing, but is not trying to create a completely authentic look from the past the whole approach is really refreshing. I love the mix of influence between the decades, it’s nice to see so many 60’s inspired items for example.

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I also really appreciate the use of small independent designers, as opposed to mass produced reproduction vintage. Simone also uses freelance fashion graduates to produce the house range. After graduating herself Simone found it hard to move past unpaid internships and is committed to providing opportunities for graduates. They are therefor paid to use skills including garment production, pattern cutting and other skills.

I have a 10% discount for my readers to use on the Atypical Girl website. Enter the code AtypicalGirl Gang.



  • Reply
    Jessica Cangiano
    October 19, 2014 at 6:41 pm

    Agreed! Though I don’t usually wear 60s looks, let alone Mod ones (come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever sported a Mod look), I’ve noticed a serious lack options in the repro/vintage inspired field for those who do (a group that is growing with each passing year) and it’s really great to see a repro brand cater to that segment of the vintage market on top of the 40s/50s loving crowd. Definitely one to watch, as they say! 🙂

    ♥ Jessica

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