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My Girls

February 7, 2016

My blog is very close to reaching it’s fourth birthday, which seems absolutely crazy to me as I’m not the best at sticking to things. When I started it Lila was still a baby and I wanted something to keep me busy and my brain working! I can’t quite believe how far the blog has come in that time, but to me it is still a place to share parts of my life and things I’ve been doing. I love looking back on some of my earlier posts and remembering things I’ve done and places I’ve been.

Jess and Lila IOW

I’ve taken a bit of a step back over the last month, sometimes I need to take a little break so that it never becomes a chore. I also try to never let it get in the way of life. This year I’ve gone back to selling vintage clothing full time and been busier than ever with all the things that go along with being a mum. My two beautiful girls keep me very busy! Todays post is all about them. I take a lot of pictures of them, loads of which have pride of place on the walls of my house. Making memories is very important to me and this post is a little dedication to them and everything that makes them wonderful.

Jessica Tree

Jessica turned 10 just over a week ago! This seems completely crazy to me, the last 10 years have gone so quickly and I can’t believe I have been a mum for a whole decade! Jess is such a wonderful creative person, she is always thinking up new exciting projects and I love that about her. She loves singing and animals and dancing and drawing!

Jess IOW

She is ridiculously bright and always does well at things without even trying! She’s already better at maths than me and writes really amazing stories. Like me she’s a bit of a night owl and not very good at going to sleep as she’s always thinking up new ideas. She’s really good at exploring and coming up with great ideas when we’re out and about.

Jess Beach

Jess loves to get involved in all the things I enjoy, like the great outdoors and she’s also been known to put together amazing outfits.

Jess and Lila Polsden Lacey

I love exploring the world with the girls and try to take them to lots of amazing places. We have a National Trust membership and try to visit as many old houses and gardens as possible. I always miss the long days of summer when it’s cold and want to stay out all day doing cool things with them!

Lila Polesden Lacey

Lila decided she was a princess when she was very little and is a lovely confident little girl. She has the kindest sweetest personality and has something nice to say to everyone. She loves cuddles and is happiest snuggled up on the sofa with me.

Lila Hatchlands Park

She loves pretend play and her favourite toys are her mini kitchen and her dolls house. She enjoys looking at books and has just started to read a little on her own. She also loves watching Disney films, especially Tangled and Frozen. She has been growing her hair, hoping to have as long as Repunzel’s one day.

Lila Fairy

Lila’s favourite things are family, princesses, rainbows and flowers and she loves drawing pictures of all the things she loves.

Lila Rotherhithe

So that’s a little bit about my lovely children, they drive me insane sometimes, but most of the time I feel like the luckiest mum in the world! I’d like to share a little more about my family and all the things we do on the blog this year. I want to make memories I can look back on and appreciate how lucky I am to be able to do a job I love and my amazing family and friends. I’m really looking forward to getting back into blogging and continuing to work hard and improve what I do. Thanks to everyone who supports the blog and thanks to my little girls for always keeping me busy and making me laugh! xxx


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  • Reply
    Miss Fairchild
    February 7, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    awwwww. SO cute! Mine are all in the feral puberty phase. Next month my eldest turns 16. 16!!!! She will legally be allowed to get behind the wheel of a car! It goes so fast. Enjoy every second you can.

  • Reply
    February 8, 2016 at 2:45 pm

    Awww this was super sweet to read! They both seem so sweet and adorable. I hope one day to have 2 little girls but I know no matter what I end up with, I’ll be happy with!

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