This project has been on the shelf for a few week’s as I’ve just not had the time to get on with it. I found myself with a precious hour spare this afternoon so cracked on with the dress.
Since my last post about the dress I had cut the fabric from the pattern and then not touched it for a weeks. When I revisited the dress today I decided to make a few changes. Mainly because this is the first dress of this sort I’ve made I decided to simplify the design a fair amount so that I can get it finished quickly. I have decided not to line the dress as the fabric is quite thick and I plan to wear a slip and petticoat underneath anyway. I have also decided to trim it with some bright pink bias binding (the only colour I had enough of) This will save me loads of time hemming it. If it doesn’t really work I will follow the original plan next time.
I was lucky enough to find a whole box of original 1950’s unused metal zips at my local charity shop for only 25p each so I bought a few including a navy one to use with this dress.
I am hoping to be able to finish the dress this week and will post pictures once it’s done. I’m looking forward to getting some more fabric and making a few more.
I’ll try to get some better pictures when I get a chance!
March 20, 2013 at 7:11 amYour fabric looks so pretty. Looking forward to seeing the finished result. I too, started a sewing project last year (or was it the year before!) and haven’t finished yet. There’s never enough time – you just have to get on a do it. 🙂 Good luck!
March 20, 2013 at 7:32 amThank you! Now I’m so close to finishing it, I can’t wait to get it done.
Lisa (tattoomummy72 on IG)
March 20, 2013 at 8:47 amAfter seeing your pattern I went out to buy it because it looks so beautiful so hopefully when I get some fabric i’ll be making mine 🙂 can’t wait to see yours finished, you will have to say whether its as easy as it says 😉
Lisa xx
March 20, 2013 at 1:34 pmIt really is a simple pattern, although obviously I’ve changed it up a bit here. I also think it would be quite adaptable if you wanted to make variations, for example adding sleeves.
You should have no trouble with this though as your an experienced sewer, You could probably get one whipped up in an afternoon (if bubba lets you!)
March 21, 2013 at 9:35 amThe dress is looking fabulous already..I love the pink binding.
March 21, 2013 at 12:37 pmThanks! I’m glad I added the binding now. I have just bought some more fabric for my next one so need to hurry up with this one!