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Crafts and DIY

How to Make a Pretty Painted Chalk Board

May 21, 2014

Today I have one of my very favourites home DIYs that I first made last year. It’s really easy and looks great in a kitchen or kids room. Because you can choose any style of frame you like and any colour to paint it, you can really make this fit with your theme and colour scheme.

Here are my simple steps to make this pretty chalk board frame. As every frame is different you may want to skip some of the steps, for example if your frame is already a pale colour you may not want to use a white coat first. Also you may not need to use wood glue if the frame already has clips on the back.

You will need:

Chalkboard Paint,

Wood paint I used Laura Ashley Duck Egg for this. (excuse the mucky cans!)

White emulsion paint

A dust sheet

A piece of wood or MDF to fit the frame, you could also use foam board.

A Paint Brush

A Frame – I bought a few of these in bulk on Gumtree (don’t worry it’s not a precious old one just a reproduction) You could also try charity shops or car boot sales for cheap frames.

How to Make:

Clean your frame and if it is particularly shiny you may want to sand it a little first.

Then apply a thin layer of white emulsion.

While that’s drying paint your wood using the chalk board paint. It’s best to do a couple of coats.

You can then paint your frame in your chosen colour. Being sure to get the paint into any details on the frame. I used two coats on this one.

Make sure you don’t miss anywhere. Your frame will need to dry for a few hours before moving on to the next step.

Apply wood glue to the inside of the frame, you only need a small amount.

Place your piece of wood inside the frame, and place a heavy object on top for a couple of hours while the glue dries.

Your pretty chalk board is now ready for you to enjoy.

This one is eventually going to go up in Lila’s room as I’m planning to give it a little revamp. I’d like to make lot’s of pretty home-made things to put in her room, so hopefully I’ll do a few more tutorials.

What do you think of this little make? Will you be giving it a try?

  • Reply
    May 29, 2014 at 7:01 am

    wow ! great tutorial … I loved it and will definitely try it myself…you make it looks so easy!

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