I love choosing toys for the girls that they can interact with and engage with as much as possible. At 7 years old, Lila loves creative games and still really enjoys pretend play. She loves unicorns, fairies and princesses and anything sweet and magical. Over the summer we spent lots of time in the garden and she really enjoyed planting seeds and creating a little herb garden. Now that the weather has turned and the colder weather is here it’s the perfect time for growing indoors. We were recently gifted a My Fairy Light Garden to try. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve had a wonderful time watching Lila’s little garden grow.
This lovely set includes everything you need to create an adorable little indoor or outdoor garden for your fairies to live in. It also comes with two lovely little fairies and their hedgehog and unicorn friends.
There are quite a few pieces in the box, but the instructions were easy to follow and it took us about 15 minutes to put everything together. We also turned this into a game where the fairies were helping to create their little home.
The set comes with everything you need to create the garden except compost, luckily we already had some but this can be picked up at a garden centre or DIY shop easily enough.
The quality of the toy and all the pieces is excellent and definitely strong enough to last a long time and be enjoyed. There’s nothing worse than enjoying a toy for a few weeks only for it to fall apart and upset your small people.
Once we’d put everything together, Lila read through the instructions herself and started to add the soil. She really enjoyed making a start to the garden.
We just did it all on the floor and I let her make as much mess as she wanted, it’s no trouble to sweep up a bit of soil from the floor.
Once the soil was in, she just needed to sprinkle the grass seeds all over it. She mostly did this herself, although I helped her a little to get all the seeds spread out evenly.
Now it was just a waiting game for our seeds to grow. We popped the garden in a bright spot in the hall under the window. It was a nice spot as we could take a look at it every time we walked past and keep an eye out for progress!
Luckily she could still play with the fairies while we waited for the garden to grow. We also used another My Fairy Garden set which Lila was given for her birthday and I’d been saving for a rainy day. So we now have a little fairy neighbourhood!
Nothing happened for just over a week and then suddenly the grass just shot up. It grew over an inch a day and before we knew it the fairies were living in a little grass forest! Its was all very exciting!
After a few days, it was definitely time for a trim! I cut the grass with a pair of kitchen scissors and I loved that the house had a lovely freshly cut grass smell for a few hours.
The garden is currently looking a little smarter and Lila is still enjoying playing with it everyday. We’ve only had to water it once so far, so it’s all been pretty low maintenance.
Even Jessica who is 12 has really enjoyed watching the Fairy Light Garden grow and would like to grow one of her own.
One of the best features of the Fairy Light Garden is the little light in the roof of the house. It’s so clever as you just need to blow on it to make it turn on and off. it’s really fun to do and feels like a little bit of fairy magic at work. It also looks lovely in the evening when the lights are out.
We’ve loved setting up and playing with the Fairy Light Garden. It’s been creative, educational and most of all just really fun. As a toy it has longevity as it is always changing. There’s always the potential to add different small plants and try other ideas. I’d love to add some little daisies at some point.
This would make a wonderful present for any child who loves to garden and believes in fairies! With Christmas coming up, this is definitely one of my top recommendations. I think we’ll be investing in a few more sets and building our own little Fairy Kingdom!
You can find the Fairy Light Garden on the following websites – Amazon – Argos – John Lewis
Find more toy reviews and things I’ve done with the kids in my Parenting section.
*This set was Kindly gifted for us to try, all options our my own (and Lila’s!)
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