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Why I Started Blogging and Why I Still do it.

February 17, 2019

I haven’t written a chatty post in a while so I thought it was high time I did! In just a few weeks my little piece of the internet will turn 7 years old! I can’t believe it’s been a part of my life for that long. It’s changed so much over the years and so have I! So many things have happened in that time and I’ve always been grateful to have this little creative outlet. Of course there are times when I love what I do and times that I never want to write another post again. Times when I’m overflowing with ideas and inspiration and times when I can’t get a word out and feel stuck with writers block. But I have no intention of stopping and often stop to take a moment to appreciate everything I’ve gained from being a blogger.

 So why did I start blogging in the first place? I’d definitely been toying with the idea for a long time. I had dabbled in blogging a little for my vintage selling business, but had never thought of it as a long term thing. But then I found myself with a 10 month old baby, I’d recently moved house I wasn’t working at the time. I really just wanted to write about the things I enjoy. So I sat down while she was napping one day and just did it.

At the time I blogged about anything and everything, kind of similar to what I do now. I’ve always enjoyed being creative and loved sharing things I’d made and clothes I’d sewn. I wrote about my vintage finds and car boot hauls and wrote about the books I’d read. If I went somewhere lovely with my family I would write about it on the blog and I loved every minute of it. And I feel the same way now. I’m so grateful to have recorded so many happy things on here, it’s great looking back on and rereading all the things I written and photos I’ve taken along the way.

What started as a hobby has now become part of my job. As well as blogging I still sell vintage. Some months it’s enough to earn a living and others it definitely isn’t. It’s always hard when a hobby becomes a job, because there will always be that element of pressure. There will always be bad months. It’s also about 100 times harder than most people realise. it’s in no way an easy ride. But the privilege of being able to work from home and be there for my kids more is something I am so grateful to my blog for. And I am so grateful to everyone who reads, works with me and supports me in all I do because my life is so much better for it!

I’ve also made some absolutely amazing friends through blogging and been lucky enough to meet lots of them in real life. Having a supportive community around me who don’t mind taking 100 pictures of my outfit, having laptops open while we have lunch and talking about instagram for 5 hours straight is a truly great thing! 😂 It also saves the non bloggy people in my life from some very boring conversations!

Of course there are days when I want to throw in the towel get a ‘proper job’ and have a very steady income. There are days when other people wish that too! But I’m so glad I’ve stuck at it. I have big plans for my little blog, I feel ambitious, motivated and driven to make this blog as good as it can possibly be. If you’re a blogger and you’re struggling – ride it out keep going remember why you started and don’t be afraid to be yourself. I’m excited to see where the blog will take me, I’m excited for all the opportunities still to come and mostly I’m just feeling very happy and positive about being able to do such a fun job.

The Pictures 

One – Vintage 1950s Dress – Primark Tights – Ruby Shoo shoes (gifted) – Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls

Two – Vintage 1950s Dress – Primark Tights – Old Miss Fire Shoes

Three – Vintage 1980s Dress – Primark Tights – Old Clarks Orla Kiely Shoes (gifted)

Ways to follow Vintage Frills

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  • Reply
    May 23, 2020 at 9:41 am

    That’s a lovely blog, I really like your aesthetic and joyfulness!

    • Reply
      May 24, 2020 at 10:02 am

      Aw thank you! That’s so kind. Xxx

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