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Fashion Shopping

My Top 10 Ways to Buy Vintage

September 14, 2013

As time goes on decent vintage is getting more expensive and harder to find. There are a few reasons for this, firstly as vintage fashion becomes more popular there are more people snapping it up. Also as time passes and things are worn they wear out and show their age. A lot of vintage clothing is now tucked away in people’s collections. I understand the need to collect vintage however I also feel that if it is not being worn or enjoyed it should probably be made available to people who will use it.

Of course there are still plenty of treasures out there just waiting to make their way into your wardrobes and there are lot’s of different places to pick them up.

In no particular order here are my top ten ways to buy vintage.

1. Vintage Fairs – If you like lot’s of vintage in one place with lot’s of choice then a vintage fair is the place for you. It’s a great place to find new sellers and really get to see and feel what you’re buying. It’s not always the cheapest way to buy vintage, but many sellers are happy to negotiate on price.

2. eBay – If you read this blog often you’ll know I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with eBay, however there is no disputing that if your willing to put the time in there are amazing pieces and fantastic bargains to be had. Just be careful that you really do know what your bidding and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

3. Independent Websites – Although slightly rarer than they were a few years ago, there are still plenty of online vintage shops out there. One that really stands out to me is Love Miss Daisy and if you’re in the US Adored Vintage.

4. Etsy – I like Etsy as there are plenty of international sellers who are happy to send to the UK. There is absolutely loads of choice, however as it grows in popularity and gains more sellers the quality of whats on sale has definitely slipped so just like eBay always be cautious before buying.

5. Car Boot Sales (and jumble sales) – Yes I love to root around piles of rubbish to find those amazing pieces. It is hard work though – think early starts, dirty clothes, lots of rummaging and the chance of not finding anything at all! Some of my most amazing pieces have been bought for ridiculously good prices at car boot sales.

6. Direct From the Source – I’m sure there is plenty of beautiful vintage clothing tucked away in people’s lofts and attics just waiting to be discovered. Why not politely ask elderly relatives if they have anything you could have. Or perhaps advertise in the wanted section of the local paper and offer a good price for any vintage clothing.

7. Charity Shops – I’d say these days your hardly likely to find an amazing vintage dress in your local charity shop unless it’s quite a recent one. However I still find plenty of shoes, handbags and jewellery in the ones near me, they key to this one is to go as often as you can so that you don’t miss anything.

8. Vintage Boutiques – This is by far the most expensive option, however you will find amazing things which don’t need any cleaning or repairs so if your budget will stretch to it, then this is a great way to pick up something special. It’s also important to support small independent businesses.

9. Vintage Wholesale – If you’re looking to buy quite a few things then visiting a vintage wholesaler might work well for you. The majority have a minimum spend which is often a few hundred pounds but you do get a lot for your money. Most require an appointment to visit and pick your own items so always check in advance. Don’t expect to find much pre 70s vintage either.

10. Clothes Swaps – clothes swaps don’t seem to be quite as popular as they were a few years ago, but there’s no reason not to organise your own clothes swap event. This is a great option for students. On a smaller scale if your bored of some of your vintage clothing why not see if a friend would like to swap a few pieces with you.

I hope the list has been helpful. I’d love to hear your ideas of where to find vintage. Please comment below.

  • Reply
    September 15, 2013 at 12:08 pm

    These are really useful, thank you :3

  • Reply
    September 15, 2013 at 2:10 pm

    Helpful tips. I’d love to find clothes directly from owners. Such a cool idea.

  • Reply
    Catherine Vargas
    September 26, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    Great tips specially for girls who LOVE everything vintage 🙂

    Vintage Inspired Girls

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